The Hood

On campus, there are many spots that are meant to be off the radar and one of them is 'The Hood'. It's right behind Warren College apartments towards the canyon. The 'Hood' isn't the most comfortable place to light up in, but if you are looking for a spot away from the constant harassment of the RSOs, then the hood is the place to be. They have a bench and a couple of chairs overlooking the canyon, the highway and the rest of La Jolla. Its perfect to just kick back and light up or take a couple of swigs of some good, old-fashioned beer.
How to get there -
To get there, take the little path that leads down into the campus behind Canyon Vista (Warren dining hall). Once you are on this path keep following it. It dips down and then back up again seemingly heading back up into the apartments. Right at the top, there should be a little hidden path in the bushes that should lead to the left and back down again. Follow this path and keep to the right. It loops around, to the right, and then opens, leading directly into 'The Hood'.
Help out -
It used to be a great place to be in, but recently people that have begun to leave a lot of trash around the hood, so don't be surprised if you find a lot of empty water bottles and other random trash around the benches. Someone help out, maybe clean the place up. Take a drag. Watch La Jolla go by.
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