UCSD's Emergency Capsules
Most people haven't heard about this, but I knew this person who happened to have the blueprints of UCSD. Apparently, UCSD has between 8-10 Emergency capsules that are 40x40 feet which is huge. These are scattered all over campus and can be accessed only through UCSD's tunnel system. These were initially built to protect teachers and staff from student protests in the 60s and 70s. Six of these capsules are stocked up with food and water to last the staff an entire week. So if you are ever hungry at four in the morning, try and figure out where they are. I know there is atleast one in every college. I will try and come up with a map and post it up here for you guys to see.
Spot of the Day -
Go down into the tunnels on the hump across Main Gym, and walk towards the Biology Bldg. Now between the Bio bldg. and Peterson Hall, there are a couple of right turns. On one of these right turns you will find 4 chairs around a 420 game. Play it!
Spot of the Day -
Go down into the tunnels on the hump across Main Gym, and walk towards the Biology Bldg. Now between the Bio bldg. and Peterson Hall, there are a couple of right turns. On one of these right turns you will find 4 chairs around a 420 game. Play it!
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